Tame the Dragon - Mods and upgrades of an Ender 3 Pro

| Aug 21, 2022


As many of you already know, I am a 3D printing enthusiast and a maker. I started he 3D printing activity 3 years ago, and since then I’ve acquired a lot of knowledge by designing and printing things, also making a lot of mistakes. It has been a lot fun!

Since then I’ve been using my Ender 3 Pro, which I’ve modded to the extent that the only original part remaining is just the aluminium framing. Modding it really helped me to understand how 3D printer works, what are the crucial parts and why they are so important.

This modding process started 2 years ago, by replacing the original motherboard with the BTT SKR 1.3 equipped with the super silent TMC 2209 drivers. The experience was quite educational, as I also to code a bit, to adapt and adjust the Marlin Firmware to my needs. I’ve also purchased a 3D Touch clone, to auto-level the printing bed. This last upgrade was left to take some dust for more than a year, because I was not able to make it work properly.

Few weeks ago, when I was uncluttering my drawers, I found that 3D Touch laying in the dark. I decided to take the bull by the horns and make it work at all costs. So after printing the proper support, I started to code the firmware, forking Marlin 2.1 and after compiling and burning it few times, with some trial and error, I got something working!

I am sharing the whole firmware, with a list of all the extra STLs so, in case you have or want to have this exact configuration, you will have a solid and safe starting point.

The printer is an Ender 3 Pro, with:

Here the STLs:

You can download my fork of the firmware here. To avoid extra headaches, you can compile it with VS Code, Platformio and Marlin ABM. After burning,do not forget to set the Z-Axis offset, that for me goes from to -1.65 to 1.90.

As an extra treat, here you can dowload my optimized Cura profile for a 0.4mm nozzle.

Let me know how it goes ⚒

Ender 3 Pro menu with Marlin 2.1


  • Be sure to turn off the Software endstop in your printer menu, under Motion\Move Axis everytime you switch on the printer;
  • Before every print, check if the bed leveling is enabled. Motion\Bed Level should be On.
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