
Making a keyboard the …

Sasa 2023 was a year of joy, and there is no joy without builds! After experimenting with self-hosting, NAS, and video surveillance, I decided to revamp my tools of the trade and give a companion to my Redox Scenic, integrating all the missing features. Here I proudly present the Ampere Pad v1! It …

My Workflow for Taking …

Sasa Serendipity: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. No better word could describe the natural unfolding of things on this side of the screen. When I was writing part 1 of this article, I started documenting my process and Notion grabbed my attention. I …

My Workflow for Taking …

Sasa I had a dream! Taking notes in a smooth, centralized way, without accumulation and consequently losing dozens of scribbled pages. Combining those handwritten notes I take during a meeting, a debug, a study session, a tinkering process, with information from different sources: my phone, my …