
Two Years of Magic - My …

Sasa! 2020 will be remembered by many as the year when their life radically changed. I am also part of the many, as I had to do a hard career drift: from being a well known music producer and teacher to a wannabe web developer. I went back to school, did my bootcamp, completed my internship and …

How I fixed a camera by …

Sasa! Have you ever been in a thrift market? Those fascinating places filled with dusty trinkets, old books and all sorts of vintage oddities, where with patience and luck you get excellent deals or just a bag filled with garbage. Leaving the garbage part alone, I’ve always had an attraction …

Tame the Dragon - Mods …

Sasa! As many of you already know, I am a 3D printing enthusiast and a maker. I started he 3D printing activity 3 years ago, and since then I’ve acquired a lot of knowledge by designing and printing things, also making a lot of mistakes. It has been a lot fun! Since then I’ve been using …